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Gallery: Blackbirds

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One of the most typical garden birds and also very beautiful. Also one of the few garden birds where male and female are quite different in appearance.



Female blackbird at a bird table

Female blackbird at a bird table

Female blackbird (Turdus merula) at a bird table. This prominent 'tail cocking' is quite commonly seen immediately after the bird alights.
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Female blackbird on Pyracantha

Female blackbird on Pyracantha

Pyracantha is a good garden shrub for attracting birds. The thorny branches provide protection for nests and the berries provide food in winter.
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Male blackbird

Male blackbird

Male blackbird (Turdus merula).
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Male blackbird

Male blackbird

In this shot the black of the plumage looks rather more subtle. The contrast between the black feathers and the brilliant yellow bill and eye-ring make this a very handsome bird.
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Female blackbird on bird table

Female blackbird on bird table

Female blackbirds are sometimes mistaken for thrushes and it's easy to see why from this photo. She is not plain brown as many people think, but has a speckled breast just like a thrush. The contrast between the markings and the base colour of the breast is not as great as with a thrush though.
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Male blackbird on pond-side

Male blackbird on pond-side

This very alert male may be aware of something 'not quite right' - i.e. the cameraman concealed in a hide!
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